Category Archives:
Leadership Development Training
July 6, 2010
Read the Introduction to my Story Theater Book
To get a feel for my book, Doug Stevenson’s Story Theater Method, please take a minute and read the introduction.
March 3, 2010
Storytelling in Business – Create Memorable Characters
Learn how to make the other people or characters in your stories come alive with vivid physical and vocal characterizations. Transform them from generic people, to the fascinating individuals they are.
February 9, 2010
Take the First Step – Again and Again
If you’re not satisfied with your life, or you want something else, something more, this article will motivate you to take the first step in a new direction.
December 1, 2009
Scripting Your Story Using The Nine Steps of Story Structure
If you’re frustrated by storytelling experts who advise you to tell stories without telling you HOW to tell stories, this article will help.
November 12, 2009
When to Tell A Story and What Story to Tell
Stories are a strategic communication tool. Do you know when and when NOT to tell a story? Do you know where to place your story in the construction of your presentation? You’ll get some great ideas in this article.
October 3, 2009
Engagement Skills – How to Hold Your Audience Attention
Recently, while providing a corporate training for the top sales agents in a large pharmaceutical company, I asked the following question: “Have you ever been speaking, and you look out into your audience and see ‘screen saver eyes’? You know – that glassy-eyed look that let’s you know you’ve lost their attention?” They all laughed and […]
October 3, 2009
Beware the Phony Speaker’s Smile
Some speakers and trainers smile no matter what they’re saying. They think they need to project a happy face all the time. This phony smile is often incongruent with what they’re saying. Be careful not to do this or you won’t be taken seriously.
September 3, 2009
How To Handle Praise
How do you handle compliments and praise after you give a great presentation?
September 3, 2009
Speak from Your Head with Your Heart Wide Open
Employee engagement and presentation skills.
August 12, 2009
How to End Your Story by Finishing Strong
Think of a spear that has a sharp point on the end. If you throw it at the ground, the sharp point will pierce the dirt and make the spear stick. If the end of the spear is round or dull, it will bounce off the ground. It won’t stick. The same is true with the point of your story. In this storytelling article, I will focus on sharpening the point of your stories.