Category Archives:
Corporate Storytelling Training
November 5, 2012
A Little Nuance Goes a Long Way
In retrospect, I now realize that my first 25 speeches were basically about getting a feel for being at the front of the room. During my next 25 speeches I started to focus on what I had to say and how I wanted to say it. It took another 50 or so speeches before I […]
November 5, 2012
Tap Into Your Genius Brain
After leaving college, I took my first acting class at the famous Second City in Chicago. It was an improvisation class, and my first experience with improvisation. I thought it was a waste of time. What I didn’t understand at the time was how improvisation forced me to tap into my “genius brain”. I later […]
May 29, 2012
The Top 3 Mistakes Speakers Make
Why is it that speakers have such a hard time translating the passion they feel for their subject matter into passionate presentations? What gets in the way of their natural enthusiasm and spontaneous energy? a technical problem? a poorly-designed speech? a lack of confidence? Over the years, I’ve been contracted to help hundreds of aspiring […]
March 13, 2012
Using Corporate Storytelling to Drive Change
The year was 1998. I was in Lincoln, Nebraska at the Cornhusker Inn just down the road from the University of Nebraska. I was traveling the country with my keynote: The Positive Power of Change. This particular event was the annual meeting of a mid-sized tele-communications company. I had been hired to speak at the […]
January 10, 2012
Corporate Storytelling – Eloquence and Language
I grew up with a father who was in love with words. His reverence for language, pronunciation and proper diction was an annoyance to me as a child, but a gift to me as an adult. I remember the way he would read aloud a passage from a book or a poem. He had a […]
September 25, 2010
Corporate Storytelling in Business Training
This limited time special offer invites you to breakthrough to your brilliance now by attending Doug Stevenson’s Story Theater Retreat. Read more now.